Boat Launch Ramp Etiquette
This summer, make sure you know what you’re doing at the boat ramp so you can launch and retrieve your boat quickly. There’s certain etiquette we all must follow in order for smooth transitions. The biggest rule? You should try to complete as much of the preparation, loading, and unloading in the “staging area” as possible. When you get your boat ready before you reach the boat ramp, it makes everything a lot quicker and easier. Here are some steps to make sure you’re prepared before leaving the house:
- Ensure all required objects, like your safety equipment and registration card, are on board.
- Check your battery and your motor.
- Make sure the drain plug is securely in place.
- Make sure the engine starts prior to getting to the boat ramp.
- Connect the trailer to your vehicle and ensure all required lighting is working.
Phew! Now that that’s all taken care of, continue on to the boat ramp. Don’t be a ramp hog and make sure you’re communicating!
- Before backing make sure you remove all engine and transom tie-down straps. Back the trailer down the ramp to the edge of the water.
- Back the trailer into the water until it’s in enough depth to lower the drive unit.
- Lower the drive unit and start your engine before unhooking the winch line. Pro tip: make sure you have a line to the bow or side cleats so you’re still in control of the boat.
- Then you can back the vessel slowly off the trailer. If you still need to pick up passengers, secure the boat to a courtesy dock. No need to spend all day there waiting for mom to run and get her keys that she forgot in the car!
- Clear the ramp as quickly and safely as possible for other boaters to use.
Once you’ve moved the vessel out of the way and moved the towing vehicle off the ramp, you’re good to go!
Retrieving your vessel is a similar process. Use common sense and be courteous so you’re not blocking people in. Ready your vessel for launching or for the drive home well away from the ramp and use at least two experienced people to launch and retrieve the vessel—one to drive the towing vehicle and one to operate the vessel. The less time you spend on the ramp or at the dock, the better you’ll be!
We got this info from our valuable team and the folks at Boat Ed. Check out their website to learn more about the best rules for the boat ramp!